Our Mission

AGN GLOBAL official mission action plan intro VIDEO & open letter to the world!

Greetings dear group members and friends everywhere in the world!
Awaken Global Network’s much anticipated official announcement of our global mission action plan is ready to be shared!
Our world premiere official video clip offers the essence of our Universal and planetary mission.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yYlt58loxI (with sound) Romanian subtitles

We are very excited to share with you what has been first dreamed many years back, then planned and now manifesting. We are a SOLUTIONS, POSITIVE action based planetary mission.
The very first thing to share with you is why Awaken Global Network can only be done as a grass roots, people of the world project and not as an official, traditional organization.

The reasons are simple and self evident: we no longer feel that the power and responsibility to heal and change ourselves and the world for the better and do good, lays in someone else’s hands and control.
WE THE PEOPLE of the world are FREE, all loving, awakening, divinely created spiritual beings in human bodies who have chosen to be here, right now, during these unparalleled times of historical transformations at individual, collective, planetary, galactic and universal levels for each and every living breathing soul.
AGN is based in Ontario, Canada. It started out as a one soul’s dreams and journey of making our world a much better place. Initially, I’ve gathered all necessary info in order to register AGN as a global, nonprofit organization. It didn’t take me long to learn the extremely difficult, restricting and highly expensive ways of going about taking the “official” route.

The biggest issue was that I was prohibited, by the man made law, to create a DIVERSE organization, with multiple ways of helping our world. I was only being given the option to ONLY cover 2 areas MAXIMUM. This, from the start didn’t match our more than 2 ways to help our world.
Secondly, an officially registered nonprofit requires lots of funding to pay for a legal advisor, recruit board members, fancy titled directors, which would’ve take away huge opportunities to wisely use whatever available funds in order to help instead of paying salaries and lawyer.
Thirdly, as an “officially registered” nonprofit, we would have not been legally allowed to DONATE our very own purchased at COST products/healing/wellness tools and were obligated to BUY them from another supplier, due to “conflict of interest” legislation.

Therefore, facing so many limiting restrictions and potential unnecessary expenses, I’ve realized that THEE only way to do this is as a GRASS ROOTS, WE THE PEOPLE, FREE WILLED mission.
As I’ve continued to share my vision with other likeminded, like hearted souls, before I knew, I’ve started to attract other partnering missions and projects, each and every one with a most amazing, very special path mission towards the same goal: reaching out to as many as possible and to Mother Earth.
Therefore, a single soul’s dream, desire and action plan to help the world is becoming that of many.
And so it is. Below, I’m laying out what specific ACTION plans we’ve come up with. We hope you’ll take it in as excited as we are sharing it .
AGN proudly introduces to the world a brand new, rEVOLutionary method of VERY EASILY helping one another. Accessible to most everyone who feels and wants to make a difference.
Through this absolutely amazing, unique in the world brand new concept, we have the potential to co-create and accomplish HUGE positive deeds with EXTREMELY LITTLE at individual level but HUGE at collective levels.
I dare saying it is by far the most powerful method ever conceived to encompass the world in a very short time.

The concept it’s called GIVING...RECEIVING...SHARING
It is also called: HELP US to HELP YOU so WE can HELP THE WORLD TOGETHER
How exactly will it be done?
Instead of JUST donating or JUST buying or JUST sharing, we will TRADE.
HOW and WHY?

Concept and facts #1 (GIVE):
Whenever anyone DONATES any amount to any organization, the ONLY thing it is being received back, it’s a THANK YOU note/card/t-shirt along with a PROMISE that “your donation will be wisely and entirely spent” for the respective cause one donates to. One who donates for major organizations and charities has FAITH and HOPE that his/her hard earned money will indeed go where it suppose to and used at least most of it. The sad reality, to which people of the world are awakening every day, is that these so called official and reputable charities, for MOST part, are using up MOST of the amounts donated for selfish, personal gain and only a TINY portion actually goes towards the charity. The man made LAWS for these types of organizations only require a SMALL PORTION to be used for the actual charity and the rest goes to SIX FIGURE salaries for the fancy BOARD DIRECTORS titles and other positions in the “company”. Which makes it a HIGH END BUSINESS and not a charity any longer.

Concept and facts #2 (RECEIVING):
BUYING a material object, we also RECEIVE IT.
Today, for most part, in order to RECEIVE something material, one needs to SPEND money.
Also, if one wants to HELP by DONATING and also BUYING a material object, one needs to spend TWICE.
Once I understood this simple yet mighty powerful idea with the help of all other details above and combined with my vision and witnessing the mass awakening all around our world in record time, the AGN concept was instantly born, or rather downloaded from what could be a possible future timeline which humanity has already co- created it and living it in some other parallel world. I hope this doesn’t sound too farfetched for most of you.

Concept and facts #3 (SHARING): is Concept #1 and Concept #2 COMBINED
Instead of JUST DONATING any small or larger amount with NOTHING in return except a blind promise, we can actually RECEIVE in return for our DONATION, an extremely VALUABLE MATERIAL OBJECT, which would offer me PRICEless, ONGOING and ENDLESS Self-healing and WELLNESS benefits for me AND my family, which otherwise, if we were to BUY IT, WE WOULD HAVE TO SPEND MORE OR LESS THE SAME AMOUNT AS DONATED, ALL OVER AGAIN.
Ex: if I donate $100 to any charity and if I want to buy a portable alkaline water flask, or a Far Infra Red waist belt for personal use, which costs another $100, I will have spent $200

My ONE $100 would DO BOTH? Helping (Giving) AND getting me something of AMAZING VALUE (Receiving). And, my $100 will be actually wisely and efficiently reinvested in other EXTREMELY VALUABLE MATERIAL OBJECTS, AT COST which, DONATED towards most needed places in the world, will HELP HEAL OUR WORLD, FAST and ONGOING (Sharing)?
The moment I’ve grasped the hugeness of this method, I could hardly contain my excitement and was counting the days until I could freely share it with the world.
Since we’ve been extremely busy networking internationally, translating materials, creating our official intro video clip, preparing all necessary tools and making contacts with our international associates and partners, getting ready to be promoted in a very excited awakening documentary which is being created as we speak, we have to, for now, use our blog
and Facebook plus other related social networks to communicate our messages, action plans and step by step results. Our official website will be created at a later time.
Most of our self healing tools, to be donated where needed and also traded for donations for our mission, are featured in our most exciting, revolutionary, self healing technologies of the future products website. SELF HEALING (tools) is the KEY word. Some of the products are equally beneficial for people, animals, and plants.

MOST because there will be a few other much needed tools for healing, like HEALING SUPERFOODS (for children, elderly and animals) or energy medicine devices, which our products website doesn’t offer and which will be purchased at cost from other suppliers.
HOW exactly will your donation be used and WHAT exactly your donation will offer you in exchange?
As mentioned earlier, AGN International’s scope and mission are broad and with a very exciting variety of ways to help heal ourselves and the world:

1) Donating FREE ENERGY (NANO, ZERO POINT Energy) self healing tools, energy medicine, water ionizers, superfoods to sick, underprivileged children, the elderly and animals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpGqRbK9Yvc (Pet Pain Relief with Zero Point Energy Wand) in orphanages, homes for the aged http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34Aa0IUQxOg&feature=related and shelters where it is most needed in our world. We feel that once the VIBRATION, HYDRATION AND NUTRITION aspect of our physical and non physical selves is being RAISED and properly cared for, SELF HEALING at most every level will start to take place at record speed, as our bodies were specifically designed to SELF HEAL once these conditions are being kept.

2) Donating through GIFTING the polluted waters and heavy deforestation areas of our Mother Earth with super quality ORGONITE which is miraculous in clearing the air from electromagnetic and water pollution. ALL life thrives with and through ORGONE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChcmCEHSu6g Orgonite - effects of orgone on vegetables, animals and water

3) Donating self empowerment, spiritual awakening, mind body soul healing books such as ANASTASIA, http://www.ringingcedars.com/ (in Russia, thousands of prisoners’ lives transformed overnight into positive, purposeful, self sufficient, Love filled lives after reading the books ANASTASIA). Also The Animals' Messenger: A Tale of Truth & Purpose http://www.soulacademy.ca/apps/webstore/products/show/2301557 and World Peace Diet http://www.worldpeacediet.com/ to juvenile detention centers, for we’ve learned through these life altering amazing books and feel through personal and collective experience how lack of LOVE, ONEness with all other souls and spiritual insight are the root cause of today’s violence in society as well as with Dr. Will Tuttle’s help of understanding how the Plant based diet global movement is changing the world, we strongly feel that this is a much needed area to focus on. ALL physical problems start in the NON-physical.

4) Supporting the completion of what will be one of the most important spiritual healing for humanity documentaries ever made, with a profound and instant impact on the global collective consciousness and raising the frequencies on our planet at high speed, in a most divinely artistic way. This is just a small preview of what will follow.

5) Supporting S.O.U.L Academy http://www.soulacademy.ca/ and their timely, Universal message of Service ♦ Oneness ♦ Unity ♦ Love for our planet and all of her inhabitants
AGN will also be affiliated with couple of other exciting programs for humanity, including food self sufficiency through innovated, community based organic and beyond food gardening.

6) BEFORE EDUCATION and all of the other causes, spiritual and physical HEALTH is the primary GOAL to be attained for ALL BEINGS and CREATURES in order to be able to LIVE FREE, HAPPY, THINK CLEARLY, PROSPER AND CREATE.
Because without HEALTH, nothing else matters and everything else FAILS.
Everything else will be built around, in a HEALTHY AND HAPPY world.

7) Once our SPIRITUAL (non physical) as well as PHYSICAL selves receive proper healing, “miracles” will start to flow as a day to day norm and we’ll continue to co-create our NEW EARTH.

Our DONATIONS for TRADE program is outlined as follows:
Donations will be ANNUAL BASED. We are not able to issue tax receipts since we are not an official organization and only a GRASS ROOTS movement. Donations can be made by paypal, using marhire@gmail.com receiver email address, by Western Union, in Canadian dollars currency, attention: Manuela Arhire or ordering directly through our products website: www.wandourworld.ca along with a separate personal email specifying: DONATION AGN, the amount and the products desired in exchange for your donation (which they also appear as a placed order via products website email). If we receive large donations through our products website, they will appear as SALES, so, taxes will need to be paid on what appears as sales. Therefore, some needed amount will be set aside to offset the taxes to be paid and a minimum amount to cover the time needed to process the donations, traded products, shipment.
We have no staff on payroll nor a space of rent to operate the project. Everything is being run by a single person for now, from home, with the help of volunteers (receiving self healing tools for their volunteering time), who help with translating materials, donated products drop off and follow up to specific destinations of places to be helped, making future pictures and video testimonials and networking. Other than that, ALL of the funds will be used integrally for the project.

1) Give: $60 ($5/month)
Receive: ANY of the products featured through our website under $60 of your choice

2) Give: $100 ((less than $9/month)
Receive: ANY of the products featured through our website over $60 of your choice

3) Give: $150 ($12.50/month)
Receive: ONE of the over $60 and ONE of the under $60 products of your choice

4) Give: $200 (less than $17/month)
Receive: TWO of the over $60 OR 1 of over AND 2 of the under $60 products of your choice

For each $50 or $100 over the $200/year donations you will receive additional self healing tools of your choice, within the approximate equal value, from the current and future larger inventory & variety. For EACH additional year you continue trading donations for gifts with AGN, you will receive DIFFERENT self healing tools or a combination of both, past and present.

So, the GIVING and RECEIVING part has been almost covered. ALMOST because besides the PHYSICAL aspect of giving and receiving is the even more important part: the NON physical, the METAphysical, the KARMIC aspect of giving and receiving, which is branching out indefinitely, into infinite possibilities for all of us. There is no limit to how much we could help and receive with so “little”.
And this, wraps up pretty much the last but not least aspect of our rEVOLutionary program: the SHARING

For it is the SHARING which is of utmost relevance in all of it!

This is a great way to make an even more impact around you because you can use SOME of the tools you receive in exchange for your donation, to birthday, Christmas, special occasions GIFT your family and friends with the most needed type of gift: the one of wellness. There isn’t a more noble way to help the world, help yourself and those around you feel rejuvenated and happy.

We also hope to attract through our networks, business owners as sponsors of our mission. For larger donations, on top of the usual TRADE for DONATIONS, each business will have a FREE ad space on our current blog and future website, will also be added to our sponsors list as well as featured in a future documentary created as we speak, in the same style as “The Secret” and “What the bleep do we know”, which has as theme, powerful, awakening and healing messages for humanity, created by the brilliant film maker and video producer, Gabriel Vasilescu. A sample of his work is here:

We are all child like in many ways and GIFTING and RECEIVING another gift back for OUR GIFTS is something we innately enjoy as humans despite our modesty:-)

if ONLY 5,000 people will donate $100/year, we'll afford
THOUSANDS upon thousands of wellness tools and books each year, which can be used to help HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of SICK: CHILDREN, ELDERLY PEOPLE AND ANIMALS per year…and with larger sponsors, the words are not enough to describe how fast we can reach our wildest dreams for healing our current world.


the other BEAUTY of such program is that the donated and gifted/traded tools can easily be used a long way because many last a lifetime if being taken care of properly and could get around from one hand to another, making this program highly economical and very efficient in every way.

We have decided to start our project in Romania, where are less known to the world problems and also because Romania is considered one of the richest country in the world in SPIRITUALITY, with magnificent beauty in landscape and many hidden from the general public esoteric treasures.


In Romania, there is the largest number of orphans in Europe.
One of our partners, “Humanity Team Romania”, has already initiated a program which assists 18 yrs old orphans, graduating from foster homes, to be sheltered and receive education and care, being helped to adapt and adopt new social and professional skills, in order to go back in society as prepared and resourceful people
Instead of embracing a life of crime on the streets. AGN can help a great deal in such programs.
In Romania, there is the largest number of underprivileged, sick elderly.
In Romania, there is the largest number of underprivileged, sick stray dogs and largest dog rescue center in the WORLD, with over 4,000 dogs in the same shelter.
AGN can also help a great deal in such areas.

Romania has been very generous to the world

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SVTsqdhedM A world without Romania

We hope you can tap and feel through in your hearts the immense potential impact of this program that could have in our lives and our world and that once you tap into its limitless potential, you’d join our global movement, inviting as many friends, family members, peers and colleagues to join us.

I understood long ago that unless I do my best to reach out to as many as possible, MY OWN healing will stagnate indefinitely! The more healing I NEEDED, the more I felt that I need to do. But, as hard as I’ve tried on my own, I could easily see that this is a COLLECTIVE task, becoming each of our modest contribution and output in OUR world.

I’ve always wanted to do much but lacked what was needed. Now I know that can easily be done with the ONE single condition: TOGETHERness and ONEness.

The MORE OF US will gather here and now, the BETTER AND FASTER we'll aid the ASCENSION process which is already in progress, of ALL of us and our beloved, precious and beautiful Mother Earth, our place of living, learning, growing and teaching. OUR pain and suffering is HER pain and suffering. Healing us we are also healing her. And this is how we’ll accomplish so much with so little, by coming together. Helping and making a huge difference has never been more easy and the times to do so, never more energy fertile.

As we grow and expand, feel free to suggest any other place in major need of such products that you are personally aware of and in your area and hopefully, with enough participants on a global scale in our project, we will be able to reach out to as many souls and places as needed and possible.

In DEEP GRATITUDE and with LOVE and through LIGHT, I thank and wait for you to join us into what could become the MOST AMAZING RIDE of our existence:-)! The future is already here and in our hands!
LET US ALL come together and

OUR world


Our official video clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yYlt58loxI

Our products website http://www.wandourworld.ca/index.html
Our blog http://awaken-global-network.blogspot.com/
Our international facebook page http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/home.php?sk=group_153911471285843
Our Romanian facebook page
Manuela Arhire marhire@gmail.com

In gratitude and brother/sisterhood, a BIG THANK YOU to:

Our global associates, partners and those who we support and have inspired our project:

Gabriel Vasilescu, the creator of our videos and of an amazing feature spiritual and awakening documentary, currently in progress and translation from Romanian, into English and Italian
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpfUYwSzXng Trailer 1

Shiri Joshua, the co-creator of S.O.U.L. Academy, School of Compassion and the world’s leading animal human communicator, author and healer

Dr. Will Tuttle for his astounding, groundbreaking, soul stirring and life altering work, book and global movements, The World Peace Diet and Circle of Compassion


DAVID WOLFE for his groundbreaking global RAW FOOD movement



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5VcOGn_2Eo&feature=related Leija Turunen

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bod2bI5e2go&feature=related Felipe Sparx29




Our extended Romanian associates and partners






And all of the unsung heroes in between, since late 1800’s onwards, the energy medicine geniuses, pioneers and visionaries.

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